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03 5986 7788

March 2019

Making Boating Better for Victorians

The Minister for Fishing and Boating Jaala Pulford yesterday (25/03/19) announced via a media release that boating will become safer, cheaper and easier for all Victorians thanks to a raft of changes...

ACCC recall - Marine Power International Pty Ltd

The Australian Competition & Consumer Commission (ACCC) have issued a Recall Notice (18/03/19) for Mercury V6 FourStroke (175-225 HP) outboard engine & Mercury V8 Racing model (200-300HP)...

Going boating? Lock in a buddy plan

Boaters and paddlers have a far better chance of rescue in an emergency if they arrange a trigger time for someone on land to call 000.   Maritime Safety Victoria (MSV) Acting Director Cameron...